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We ask all those who make Shore Community their church home to partner financially with the church. You can give financial gifts to the church anytime, into any of the accounts below:
General Giving
A/C#: 12-3026-0062131-00
Account name: Shore Community Church Trust
This goes toward the ministries, mission, staffing and operations of the church.
Other Accounts
Property Fund (for capital development).
A/C#: 12-3026-0062131-52 -
Missions Fund (Mums & Bubs - Tear Fund)
A/C# 12-3026-0062131-02
Shore Community Trust (funds ministries serving our local communities).
A/C# 12-3136-0286275-00 -
Relief Fund: (compassion fund to help those in financial distress and need):
A/C#: 12-3136-0286275-01​

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